
Grocery Shopping Budget Hacks

Grocery shopping as a single person can be tough. Spending just enough so you don’t run out of eggs for breakfast or waste the rest of the dozen in the carton cause you forgot about them, can be a great balancing act. Oh yes, and there’s the limits of our budget. Nonetheless it is possible.… Continue reading Grocery Shopping Budget Hacks


10 of my Favourite Female Youtubers

I realised that I subscribe to quite a few female youtubers. At first I wondered if it's because they cover content that are stereotypically more 'feminine', but I realised that's not entirely true. I think maybe it's more due to the shared experiences as a woman that makes the more relatable and sometimes they just… Continue reading 10 of my Favourite Female Youtubers


8 LDR Date Ideas for When You’ve Run Out of Date Ideas

If you’ve clicked on this link you probably know the frustrations of an unstable Internet connection and the sad hilarity of a frozen videocall. Being in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) is not easy. And this pandemic has definitely not helped anyone, anywhere since for the most part of the world, international travel is still… Continue reading 8 LDR Date Ideas for When You’ve Run Out of Date Ideas


Lessons from My Patients

Working as a small animal veterinarian, I've been blessed to have encountered and interacted with all sorts of creatures. Large and small, furry and scaly, friendly and feisty, adorable and oddball. They all come into the clinic for different reasons. Some come in curious and inquisitive, some are so nervous it is almost comical, some happy-go-lucky, some… Continue reading Lessons from My Patients

Cafe · Lifestyle

The General Store by Common Goods Market

I love grocery shopping. My weekend activities usually consists of me going through hypermarket pamphlets and driving around town to scour for the best deals.  I have multiple member cards for the different stores that I visit, can recognize which cashiers will be most efficient at check out and basically have a mental map of… Continue reading The General Store by Common Goods Market